My name is Marie Brunich and
here is where our journey of mutual healing starts.
My personal story
Sometimes I get asked by my clients, how much experience I have. However, when the session is over, even the most...

Иногда ко мне на сессии приходят взрослые, реализовавшиеся в жизни женщины. Многие с недоверием в глазах спрашивают про возраст. Но, когда сессия заканчивается, выражение лица меняется, и вопрос уже звучит совсем по-другому:
«Сколько Вам было, когда Вы начали?»

My path

I have been performing massages as long as I remember. Since being a small child.
I grew up in the Urals and used to spend a lot of time outside, surrounded by nature. It was my way of learning things about elements: earth, water, fire, air. And learning and absorbing things about nature, in the midst of women of my family, felt naturally, just like the understanding that the biggest value of my life is people.
- at 6 I was initiated to Maharishi transcendental Maharishi meditation.

- at the same time I was undergoing a strict Qigong training in the school camp "White Crane".

As a teenager I got familiar with Vedic psychology, including the lectures of O. G. Torsunov, as well as other schools studied at my family.
- at 9 I received my first consultation in Aura-Soma. At the time the system was not very widespread in Russia.

My childhood set the vector of my future development and determined the purpose as a healer and a practitioner.
-at 8 I started immersing into the space of tea ceremony;

- at 15 I started studying the connection between mentality and body, as well as the influence of physical and mental state on the happenings taking place in reality.

- at 20 I experience powerful mental transformations. I came to the understanding that the cause of a human's wellbeing lies deeper than may appear,
I started creating a system of the knowledge about the sacred nature and laws of our existence.
It was a bumpy road, but after every dark night a new, beautiful sunrise has been awaiting.
It all made me who I am today - a certified consultant in Aura-Soma, massage therapist, Bach flower therapist and an female circles organizer and an expert Tarot reader.
Coming that far I am still convinced that people are the biggest treasure of my life. I am grateful to the Universe for every person I met during our therapeutic sessions. For every single one, who came to me to find the answers, find harmony, work her pain through and open up her heart to something new and wonderfull.

